Table of Contents

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    The 2006 ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Development Report: Measuring ICT for Social and Economic Development has been specially prepared for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) (Doha, Qatar 7-15 March 2006). This year’s report examines the specific issue of evaluating and measuring the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs). ITU has long been involved in measuring the availability of telecommunication/ICT infrastructure and has more recently begun to measure the use of ICTs. Its 2003 World Telecommunication Development Report highlighted the importance of agreeing upon a harmonized and globally relevant set of Access Indicators for the Information Society and ITU’s contribution in terms of statistical information and analysis has been critical in understanding the digital divide.

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    It is a pleasure to present this eighth edition of the World Telecommunication/ICT Development Report (WTDR). The report reflects the important role that ITU’s Development Sector (ITU-D) has in collecting, harmonizing, and exchanging information in the area of ICT/telecommunication statistics.

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    In November 2005, the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) took place in Tunis, Tunisia. The fact that the United Nations decided to hold this Summit illustrates the increasing importance attached to information and communication technologies (ICTs). It demonstrates the pervasiveness of these technologies, as well as the recognition that ICTs are having a profound impact on people’s lives. Besides putting the spotlight on the Information Society, the WSIS also highlighted the need to measure it.

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    The phenomenal growth in information and communication technologies (ICTs) has real implications for economic growth, in both developed and developing countries.

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    The growth of the ICT sector is having a real and positive effect on the world’s economy. The extent of the direct impact of the ICT sector will depend on the sector’s share and proportional growth in the overall economy. With the exception of major ICT producing countries, such as the US, China, and the Republic of Korea, the growth of the ICT production and services industry is likely to have a limited direct impact on the economy. Instead, the key economic impact of the spread and use of ICTs is indirect, by transforming the way individuals, businesses and other parts of the society work, buy and interact. The beneficial impact of ICTs on productivity – which can help reduce poverty – is of particular interest as ICT diffusion levels across all countries rise.

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  • Glossary, Acronyms and Abbreviations

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  • World telecommunication/ICT indicators