Access to Telecommunication/ICT Services by Persons with Disabilities and with Specific Needs
Final Report [Question 7/1]
Access to telecommunication/ICT services has been acknowledged as essential for social, cultural, economic, political and democratic development as well as an enabler to exercising several fundamental rights for all the world’s citizens. This report presents a global framework of ICT accessibility and provides related good practices, outlines challenges, and proposes recommendations and guidelines in the following main topics: 1) Telecommunications and ICT accessibility policy and regulatory framework; 2) Technologies and solutions in ICT accessible ecosystem; 3) Accessibility with ICT in education. The report is a practical tool aiming at assisting administrations in implementing ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities in their respective countries. It also provides resources and addresses a series of questions, including: What changes must be made to existing legislation to promote ICT accessibility? How to promote accessibility in public ICT spaces, such as telecentres and public pay phones? Which requirements for public procurement, including commercial best practices relating to telecommunications/ICT, should apply to persons with disabilities? What are the requirements for mobile phone accessibility? What are the requirements for TV and video programming accessibility? What are the requirements for web accessibility? How can accessibility tools be used by people with difficulties mastering reading and writing? What are the best strategies, policies, and projects on accessibility that are already implemented? What commercial solutions exist in the global ICT marketplace? What potential practical applications can be identified to promote accessible e-Education?
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