Capacity Building in a Changing ICT Environment 2017
This publication "Capacity Building in a Changing ICT Environment" puts together scholarly articles with a focus on the human and institutional aspects of capacity building in the telecommunications/ICT sector. It covers a wide range of ICT topics that may affect people and their skills development. The first issue of this publication focuses on mobile technologies for skills development and lifelong learning. It features the work of an international team of experts, tackling the issues in an analytical, critical and conceptual fashion. The articles in this issue explore the increasing power of mobile devices in bringing the benefits of ICTs to more people worldwide. They are a contribution to the current discussions on the educational applications of mobile technologies and their potential to enhance and facilitate lifelong learning and skills development.
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Challenges and policy options
It has been noted how lifelong learning plays a powerful role in enabling individuals and nations to reach their full potential. Without widening and deepening access to lifelong learning it will be increasingly hard to meet the challenges of the Education for All goals and adapt our economies and lifestyles to take account of climate change. The article will discuss the recommendations at the end of each of the earlier articles and articulate the reservations and limitations that come along with such recommendations. It is often tempting to make recommendations for low-hanging-fruit, for quick-easy-wins. This too is understandable since these create early credibility and momentum, and a straightforward account of cause-and-effect, but they should be integrated within a wider, more coherent and consistent framework and direction. This is not straightforward. Our incomplete examples, experiences and evidence will always support a variety of different interpretations and apparently plausible explanations that persuade us to construct the rationale and the narrative and discard the anecdote and the accidental.
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