Final WSIS Targets Review
Achievments, Challenges and the Way Forward
The main objective of this report (Final WSIS Targets Review: Achievements, Challenges and the Way Forward) is to provide policy-makers with a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the WSIS commitments, and in particular the WSIS targets. It emphasizes the importance of ICTs for development, and the need to track these. The report is expected to highlight the lessons learnt from the WSIS monitoring process and to deliver an input to the debate on the post-2015 agenda, including discussion of possible targets and future indicators.
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Connect all scientific and research centres with ICTs
In today’s information society, the ways in which knowledge is created, processed, diffused and applied have been revolutionized – in part through rapid developments in ICTs (UNESCO, 2013). While the ICT revolution has not occurred at a uniform pace in all regions, to a large extent it has led to the creation of dynamic networks, cross‐border collaborative processes, and internationalization of research and higher education. In line with the goal of making the benefits of ICTs available for all, Target 3 aims to connect all scientific and research centres with ICTs. The ICTs defined by the Target 3 indicators include broadband Internet and connections to national research and education networks (NRENs). Data from multiple sources indicate that the target of “all” scientific and research centres has not been achieved, although significant progress has been made according to the three indicators for Target 3.
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