Final WSIS Targets Review

Achievments, Challenges and the Way Forward

image of Final WSIS Targets Review

The main objective of this report (Final WSIS Targets Review: Achievements, Challenges and the Way Forward) is to provide policy-makers with a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the WSIS commitments, and in particular the WSIS targets. It emphasizes the importance of ICTs for development, and the need to track these. The report is expected to highlight the lessons learnt from the WSIS monitoring process and to deliver an input to the debate on the post-2015 agenda, including discussion of possible targets and future indicators.


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Adapt all primary and secondary school curricula to meet the challenges of the information society, taking into account national circumstances

Moving beyond connecting schools with ICT, Target 7 reflects the need for countries to invest in human resources and provide adequate training to ensure that teachers have an appropriate skill set to adapt national curricula to ICT-assisted instruction. It also reflects the general shift amongst both developed and developing countries from using older forms of ICT-assisted instruction (for example, radio and television broadcasts) to newer more interactive forms of ICT-assisted instruction that rely on computers and the Internet. As the second target (besides Target2) to focus on schools, Target 7 highlights the importance of teachers and educational institutions to ensure educational quality as well as broadening equal opportunities for all, including traditionally underserved or marginalized groups.


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