Issues in Telecommunications Development, Volume II

Reforming the International Accounting Rate System. Part I Overview. Part II Case Studies

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On behalf of the ITU, the Telecommunication Development Bureau has taken on the responsibility of assisting countries as they restructure their telecommunication sectors to meet the challenges of globalization and liberalization. Reports from Seminars/Workshops at which developing country representatives reviewed the moves towards international accounting rate reform and a number of papers dealing with cost calculation methodologies are in Part 1, and in Part 2 there are 11 Country Case Studies.


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Workshop on cost calculation in West Africa

Further to the adoption of an interim mechanism for calculating international telephone traffic costs, at the BDT seminar held by the African Regional Expert Group in Dakar, it was decided to hold two workshops from French-speaking African countries: the first for Central African countries on 17-20 August 1998 in Yaoundé, and the second for West African countries on 24-28 August 1998 in Bamako.


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