Measuring the WSIS Targets
A Statistical Framework
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Geneva Plan of Action identified ten targets to be achieved by 2015, along with numerous recommendations based on different action lines. In 2008, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) recommended that the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development track progress towards achievement of the WSIS goals and targets (Resolution 2008/3). The Partnership has developed a set of core ICT indicators designed to monitor ICT developments (Partnership, 2010). They cover ICT infrastructure, household ICT access and individual use of ICT, business ICT use, the ICT sector, trade in ICT goods, and ICT in education. This publication finalizes the work of the Task Group and other members of the online forum, by presenting a statistical framework and a set of indicators for measuring the WSIS targets. It elaborates on each indicator and presents relevant statistical standards, such as classifications, definitions and data sources.
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