Regional WSIS Stocktaking Report 2016-2018, Asia and Pacific
ICT Projects and WSIS Action Line Related Activities in Asia and Pacific
Following the publication of the WSIS Regional Stocktaking series for the period 2014-2016 and its popular reception within the WSIS community, we have prepared new edition of the WSIS Regional Stocktaking with the special focus on how ICTs are helping advance the Sustainable Development Goals on the ground. Our objective is to have a customized reporting by region (based on six ITU regions distribution) that will be considered as a strong reference point to good ICT practices implemented by the different stakeholders (government, private sector, civil society, academia, international organizations, others), generating social impact, partnerships, replicable examples, and advance the achievement of the SDGs.
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Capacity building
In Bangladesh, the Bangladesh NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) Network for Radio and Communication, with the help of 17 radio stations in Bangladesh, launched the project English through Community Radio. Since September 2012, the American English Radio Project (AERP) has been implementing plans for upgrading English language skills of the community radio listeners in Bangladesh. The project started as a pilot phase in one community radio station, namely Pollikontho at Moulvibazar. On 1 October 2013, the third phase of the project was replicated in an additional four radio stations in four different parts of the country, namely Radio Padma of Rajshahi, Radio Jhenuk of Jhenaidah, Radio Sagor Giri of Chittagong and Radio Naf of Cox’s Bazar. The learning of the third phase lessons was adapted in developing the proposal of AERP’s fourth phase. During implementation of the project, it was observed that the demand and interest of English learning listeners were increasing rapidly. Listeners were getting a programme-friendly environment in the radio stations. They visited the stations to meet the programme producers, presenters, facilitators and voice players to share their experiences. They sent SMS messages and mail, and made phone calls to the presenters and producers during the live broadcasting. This experience made the AERP Team confident enough to replicate and continue this project in all 17 community radio stations of the country. This initiative is aiding the advancement of SDGs 1, 5 and 16.
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