Report on the WSIS Stocktaking 2012

image of Report on the WSIS Stocktaking 2012

This document is the report of the comprehensive programme of the WSIS Forum 2012 features five High-level Dialogues, a Ministerial Round Table, the official WSIS +10 Review Kick-off Meeting, WSIS Action Line Facilitation Meetings, Interactive Sessions, Thematic & Country Workshops, Knowledge Exchanges and Exhibitions. A Ministerial Round Table on the first day will explore the post-2015 ICT ecosystem, the role of technology in tomorrow’s development paradigm and strategies to track national progress more effectively, in order to set the development agenda beyond 2015. The agenda includes interactive dialogues and information exchanges on a wide range of key topics such as rural development, multilingualism, environmental sustainability, education, health care, disability and innovation. ICTs for Sustainable Development, Advancing the Green Agenda, Women and Girls in ICT, ICTs for Post Conflict Reconstruction and Governance of Cyberspace and Cyberpeace are among the other hot issues that will be discussed during the High-Level Dialogues. Today, ICTs provide the opportunity for representation and inclusion of all stakeholders in the WSIS Forum by way of remote participation. In order to facilitate participation and inclusion of all WSIS stakeholders, remote participation was designed as an integral feature of the WSIS Forum 2012. Building on the success of e-participation facilities rolled out at WSIS Forum 2011, the organizers have worked towards integrating the most user-friendly and widely employed tools for encouraging remote participation at WSIS Forum 2012. These easy-to-use tools enabled two-way communication allowing WSIS stakeholders to participate in the WSIS Forum at their own convenience and, at the same time, disemminate information about the different sessions and happenings at the forum.


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Capacity Building

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) can help improve education systems and work practices through the development of skills that are particularly beneficial within the information society. Thus, the process of capacity building through delivery of education, training of teachers, lifelong-learning programmes and professional training is essential for the integration of ICT practices in these areas. This chapter cites examples of projects that reflect volunteering activities. If conducted in harmony with national policies and local cultures, volunteering can be a valuable asset for raising human capacity to make productive use of ICT tools and build a more inclusive information society. Stakeholders are also working increasingly hard to remove the gender barriers to ICT education and train and promote equal training opportunities in ICT-related fields for women and girls.


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