Report on the WSIS Stocktaking 2013

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This report provides crucial outcomes, in the form of the Forum 2013 Outcome Document, a compilation of recommendations from all sessions with special focus on recommendations for WSIS+10 and the 2013 edition of the publication Identifying Emerging Trends and a WSIS Beyond 2015. During WSIS Forum 2013 the UNGIS members will issue a joint declaration highlighting how the link between the potential of ICTs as key enablers ofdevelopment, and as critical components of innovative development solutions, is full recognised in the Post 2015 Development Agenda, and that the Post-2015 Development Agenda reflects lessons learned during the past decade in the implementation of the WSIS outcomes.The WSIS Forum has evolved as the mechanism to identify emerging trends in the ICT ecosystem in a multistakeholder format, with expert inputs from UN Agency Focal Points; it plays a strategic role within the framework of the WSIS+10 Overall Review and beyond 2015 as the only international multistakeholder platform to get multistakeholder consensus on WSIS+10 Overall Review. In the upcoming WSIS Forum 2013, several WSIS+10 Visioning tracks have been integrated in the agenda.


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The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is the lead facilitator for Action Line C9: Media. This chapter gives an overview of recent activities implemented by UNESCO and other stakeholders for the period 2012-2013.


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