The Application of Information and Communication Technologies in the Least Developed Countries for Sustained Economic Growth
A lot has been said about the digital divide that exists between the developed and the least developed countries (LDCs). Yet so little is being said about the opportunities that exist in the ICT Sector in the LDCs. This report takes a very close look at this group of countries and advances the argument that ICTs can play a catalytic role in getting these countries out of their current poverty trap. In that respect, a win-win outcome for both the investor and the countries is not in question.
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ICTs as an economic growth factor
As a premise, the positive role of ICTs in the development process is recognized. Taking into account the constraints that LDCs face in adopting e-commerce and ICTs, it is important to formulate appropriate strategies that can be realistically adopted to overcome these constraints, and how then the implementation of a sustainable ICTs infrastructure can proceed, be managed and be fostered.
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