The Internet of Things
This publication is the seventh in the series of “ITU Internet Reports”, originally launched in 1997. It looks at the next step in “always on” communications, in which new ubiquitous technologies (such as radio-frequency identification and sensors) promise a world of networked and interconnected devices (e.g. fridge, television, vehicle, garage door, etc.) that provide relevant content and information whatever the location of the user – heralding the dawn of a new era, one in which the internet (of data and people) acquires a new dimension to become an Internet of Things. Topics covered include new enabling technologies, business opportunites, public policy challenges, and implications for the developing world. A statistical annex covering over 200 economies is also included.
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Shaping the Market
The technologies of the Internet of Things offer tremendous potential. It is exciting to observe how fast scientific knowledge, skills and applications are becoming a sizeable chunk of the ICT industry. However, it is important to understand that technologies do not exist in a vacuum. In order for them to materialize into tangible products, services and applications endowed with commercial value, they follow a difficult path. The present chapter will take a closer look at how ground-breaking ideas are taken to market, who is involved in the process of their commercialization, how great their expected potential is, and how market leaders leverage on their strengths.
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