Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2006
Regulating in the Broadband World
The 7th edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform examines the regulatory challenges and opportunities of enabling ICT development. The report provides regulators with tools they can use to promote effective and innovative development and use of ICTs in a competitive environment. This report provides an overview of developments in the ICT sector, specifically focusing on broadband, its advent, the technologies, the role of the regulator in broadband development, broadband spectrum management, voice over IP (VoIP) regulation, international efforts to combat spam (including a model law and enforceable code of conduct), and identifies best practices. The report is structured into eight chapters.
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We are proud to present the seventh edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform, an integral part of our dialogue with the world’s information and communications technology (ICT) policy-makers and regulators. This 7th edition has been released at a time of remarkable transformation of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, fuelled by a combination of technological, market, policy and regulatory developments. These changes include unparalleled numbers of voice telephone subscribers, the rise of IP-enabled networks and Voice over IP (VoIP) services, initial-yet promisingdeployment of fixed line broadband and broadband wireless access (BWA) services and intelligent radio devices. At the same time that developed countries are busy planning for the deployment of next generation networks and visualize a world of ubiquitous networks, most developing countries have expanded their continuing quest to provide universal access to basic voice services to include universal access to broadband internet services. Are developing countries making any progress in this quest? How can regulators harness the potential of new technologies and innovative business models to foster ICT sector development?
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