Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2015
Getting Ready for the Digital Economy
Under the overarching theme "Getting ready for the digital economy", the 15th edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform discusses changing ICT consumer behaviour, consumer empowerment and protection in the digital age. It further explores the opportunities and challenges of big data and what it means from a regulatory perspective; why competition matters. It also attempts to answer whether it is time to rethink spectrum licensing, how to monitor the implementation of broadband plans and what are the new business models driven by digital communications and services. As in previous editions, the publication will feature an in-depth analysis of current market and regulatory trends based on ITU data from one of the world's most comprehensive data platforms, the ICT Eye.
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Consumer protection in the online world
This chapter is aimed at examining the changing usage patterns of consumers and what the local and globalised ICT consumers of digital services expect in terms of protection when they engage in various types of activities online. It examines the need for revised regulatory frameworks and explores the various options available, such as co-regulation and self-regulation, based on country experiences from around the world. It also discusses the need for greater collaboration and cooperation at the regional and international levels. This chapter complements a previous study, Regulation and Consumer Protection in a Converging Environment, which was released by ITU in 2013.
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