Trends in Telecommunication Reform, Special Edition 2014
4th Generation Regulation: Driving Digital Communications Ahead
The annual Trends in Telecommunication Reform publications are a key part of the dialogue with the world’s information and communications technology (ICT) policy-makers and regulators fostering economic and market growth while ensuring that all citizens safely benefit from the digital opportunities brought by the digital economy.
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Fourth-generation regulation: a new model of regulation for the digital ecosystem
Regulation, regulation, regulation. You cannot pick up a newspaper, turn on your TV, or review the Internet news without being aware that regulation is a key topic in the press. There are stories on regulation of the finance sector stemming from the global financial crisis. There are articles on regulation of the press (by the press!), ever since the “phone hacking” case in the United Kingdom. And with the world’s population clock indicating just over 7 billion people “increasing by the hour” issues of how and what to regulate are becoming more relevant. Governments are facing increasing social and economic issues. Pressures are building on the provision of health care, education, and policing, as well as on goals for employment, environmental protection and economic growth.
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