WSIS Forum 2011

Outcome Document

image of WSIS Forum 2011

The high-level opening session celebrated partnerships and collaborations amongst WSIS Stakeholders while working together towards 2015. The WSIS Process is a multistakeholder process and its success in achieving the internationally agreed goals depends on successful, win–win partnerships. The goal of WSIS is to work together in multistakeholder set-ups to achieve a common vision, desire and commitment to build a people-centric, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information.The high-level dialogue brought together stakeholders from all over the world ranging from technology experts, policy specialists, to users and cyber-activists to provide insight into the “right to communication” and its ethical implications. In turn, this dialogue offered the means to reconsider humanity’s immersion in a socio-eco-techno apparatus that compels mankind to communicate in new ways. The panel will also encouraged brainstorming and debates on burning issues of the “right to communication” related to the WSIS Plan Actions.


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Internet Governance Forum


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