WSIS Forum 2012
Outcome Document: Identifying Emerging Trends and a Vision Beyond 2015!
The WSIS Forum 2012 Outcome Document: Identifying Emerging Trends and a Vision beyond 2015 provides a summary of all the sessions held during the forum and captures the outcomes and the way forward. The session summaries provide a particular focus and emphasis to the WSIS +10 review process. It provided structured opportunities to network, learn and to participate in multi-stakeholder discussions and consultations on WSIS implementation. The Forum was hosted by the ITU and jointly organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP.This event built upon the tradition of annual WSIS May meetings, and its new format is the result of open consultations with all WSIS Stakeholders. The Forum attracted more than 1300 WSIS Stakeholders from more tha 140 countries. Several highlevel representatives of the wider WSIS Stakeholder community graced the Forum, more than 35 Ministers and Deputies, Ambassadors, CEOs and Civil Society leaders contributed passionately towards the programme of the Forum. Among the participants there were several C-level representatives of the private sector and civil society. Remote participation was an integral component of the WSIS Forum, over 1000 stakeholders followed and contributed to the outcomes of the event in a remote manner from all parts of world. Onsite networking was facilitated by the imeetYouatWSIS online community platform. More than 600 on-site participants actively used the tool, prior to and during the event, the tool facilitated fruitful networking thereby enabling win-win partnerships.
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