WSIS Forum 2016

Outcome Document. Geneva 2 - 6 May

image of WSIS Forum 2016

Following the UN General Assembly Resolution A/70/125, calling for close alignment of the WSIS and SDG process as well as holding the WSIS Forum on the annual basis, the WSIS Forum 2016 was held in May 2016 at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva and the overall theme of the WSIS Forum 2016 was “WSIS action lines: supporting the implementation of SDGs”. WSIS Forum 2016 attracted more than 1800 WSIS Stakeholders from more than 140 countries onsite and more than 800 remote participants from 85 countries. High-level representatives from the wider WSIS stakeholder community graced the event and contributed towards the programme of the Forum and its annual theme. Within the framework of the High-Level Track, officials of the WSIS Stakeholder community, representing the government, private sector, civil society, academia, technical community and international organizations were given opportunity to provide their insights on the WSIS Action Lines, the outcomes of the United Nations general assembly overall review and the submissions received during the open consultation process. Key outcomes of the WSIS Forum 2016 include the following: WSIS Forum 2016: Outcome Document WSIS Forum 2016: High Level Track Outcomes and Executive Brief WSIS Action Lines Supporting Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (2016) WSIS Stocktaking Report 2016 WSIS Stocktaking Success Stories 2016 WSIS Forum 2016 and SDG Matrix


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WSIS action line facilitators’ meeting

The eleventh WSIS Action Line Facilitators meeting provided an opportunity to assess, evaluate and focus on the relationship between WSIS and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) processes, according to the UN General Assembly Overall Review of the implementation of the WSIS outcomes (UNGA Resolution 70/125).


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