WSIS Stocktaking Report 2015

image of WSIS Stocktaking Report 2015

The 2015 edition of the WSIS Stocktaking Report is the continuation of the WSIS Stocktaking Report series. The seventh edition of the WSIS Stocktaking Report was officially released during the World Summit on theInformation Society Forum 2015. The 2015 report reflects more than 500 global activities relating to ICTs for development, submitted to the WSIS stocktaking process for the period April 2014 ‑ March 2015, each one highlighting the efforts deployed by stakeholders involved in implementing the WSIS goals. The seventh edition gave examples of emerging trends in actions geared to bridging the digital divide and building an inclusive information society. The report is based on the multistakeholder approach, including input from stakeholders from all over the world, as well as the input from WSIS Action Line facilitators and co-facilitators. The reporting is based on the contributions of the stakeholders responding to the ITU official 2014 call for stocktaking update and new entries.The principal role of the WSIS Stocktaking exercise is to leverage the activities of stakeholders working on the implementation of WSIS outcomes and share knowledge and experience of projects by replicating successful models.


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The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development

The effective participation of governments and all stakeholders is vital in developing the information society, an endeavour which requires cooperation and partnerships among all of them. This action line is intended to promote development of national e-strategies, including the necessary human capacity building, taking into account different national circumstances.


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