WSIS Stocktaking
Success Stories 2012
This year’s case studies were selected through a contest of WSIS Project Prizes 2012, open to all stakeholders from submission to voting and served as the basis for WSIS Stocktaking 2012: Success Stories. The announcement of WSIS Project Prizes came in response to requests from participants at the WSIS Forum 2011 for a mechanism to evaluate and reward stakeholders for the success of their efforts in implementing development-oriented strategies that leverage the power of information and communication technologies. The new WSIS Project Prizes is now an integral part of the WSIS Stocktaking Process established in 2004. Prior to the identification of the winners, the WSIS Project Prizes 2012 contest went through several phases, namely, submission and appreciation. The contest had a multi-stakeholder character involving the participation of governments, international organizations, civil society, private sector and others.The 2012 success stories are in accordance with the mandate of the WSIS Stocktaking set in paragraph 120 of the Tunis Agenda on the Information Society and the Resolution 2011/16 on “Assessment of the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society” which encouraged all stakeholders to continue contributing to the WSIS Stocktaking database.
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Media: Building A Community Newswire (India)
Video Volunteers identifies, trains and empowers grassroots media producers who create change in and for voiceless communities in the developing world. With 100 remunerated community producers working full-time, Video Volunteers is one of the largest social change media networks in the world. More than 500 videos on topics like child marriage, temple prostitution, insurgent conflict, atrocities against Dalits and peace between Hindus and Muslims have been produced, and have been seen by more than 300,000 people in live outdoor screenings in slums and villages. Every day people are watching new videos online, and countless more have seen Video Volunteers’ work on television channels in India.
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